Clinical Officer (1 Post) - VAC078, Bagamoyo
The Clinical Officer will be responsible for delivering high-quality medical care within established protocols and standards in clinical trial facility.
Position Summary
Ifakara Health Institute seeks a qualified and experienced Clinical Officer within the VAC078 project who will be responsible for supervising study procedure and ensure ring that are all done well as per approved protocol ICH Guidelines and relevant local regulation (National Institute of Medical Research and Tanzania Food and Drug Authority), to review laboratory results and resolve quires related to data collected and to recruit, follow up as study scheduled as specified by each protocol and SOPs.
The Clinical Officer will also ensure that protocol standard operating procedures and all related study documents are well communicated and duly followed by all personnel involved in the trial.
Qualifications and Experience
Applicants must have a Diploma in Clinical Medicine, with at least 1-year of working experience.
More info & How to apply
Apply by 17:00hrs on Tuesday, February 27, 2024. For more details and how to apply, read the job announcement: Clinical Officer - VAC078