ENGAGEMENT: Ifakara, partner experts discuss research and interventions to reduce high salt intake in Tanzania

Ifakara Health Institute, through a project “Strengthening Social Science Capacity (SSSC),” on August 31st 2021 hosted a day-long stakeholder meeting which discussed research and interventions for reducing high salt intake in Tanzania.
The SSSC Principal Investigator, Dr. Sally Mtenga, moderated the discussion held in Arusha, during which there were a number of presentations in the build-up to the specific discussion. “This part of my fellowship at the University of Glasgow under my mentor, Prof. Cindy Gray,” she said.
Experts came from the National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR); President’s Office – Regional Administration and Local Government (PO-RALG); Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (Muhas); and the host, Ifakara Health Institute.
Presenters and discussants included Dr. Kaushik Ramaiya – Member of the Board of World Diabetes Foundation and General Secretary of Tanzania Diabetes Association (TDA); and Dr. Paul Kazyoba – Chief Research Scientist and Director of Research Coordination and Promotion at NIMR.
Others are: Dr. James Kengia - Coordinator for Regional Health Management Teams at PO-RALG; Pascal Ruggajo – a Nephrologist and lecturer from Muhas; Omar Ubuguyu – a medical specialist from Muhas; and Dr. Alphoncina Nanai – an Essential Drugs and Medicines expert from the World Health Organization (WHO). #
View more photos taken from the event here.